Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, August 30, 2018

drinks for eight

caught you shopping
at the new town mall
i went in short
but came out tall
we sang a song
and ate a bite
you offered me a date
but i wanted all through the night
with pizza for two;
drinks for eight
i thought it was early
but you said it was getting late
i just couldn't keep time
fell from the soft leather chair
found you in the bathroom
combing your tangled hair
saw the tattoo
asked you who
you said you couldn't remember
it's just what he drew
and outside those lines
the parlor colors bled
and i heard you exhale
but that's all you said
and in a rush
you put on a dress
where were you going?
i just had to guess
so down the steep stairs
and back to the bar
it seemed like a million miles
but really wasn't far
you stood standing
in front of the crowd
shaking your stuff
singing much too loud
the room was full
your dancing wild
and your eyes sparkled
like a little child
i caught your glimpse
put it away
thought of all the things
i didn't say.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself