Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, June 15, 2018

he's so deranged (not Putin!)

he's so deranged
he's so deranged
how much has been changed?
the flowers in the park
are now dying in the dark;
the birds who once would sing
have now lost everything.
he's so deranged
he's so deranged
how much has been changed?
tanning his skin on perfect Mar-a-Largo beach
cheap hamburgers and beauty queens never far out of reach
riding on the putting greens with his fat ass in tow
doesn't want to study and doesn't want to know
he won't read a written report
threatens to sue and take everyone else to court
he's so deranged
he's so deranged
how much has been changed?
skipping over student dead on a schoolroom floor
threatening Canada and Mexico with his dream of total war
sleeping by himself without an understanding wife
sharpening his friendly narcissistic knife
he won't read a written report
threatens to sue and take everyone else to court
he's so deranged
he's so deranged
how much has been changed?
knows a lot about airplanes while dodging the draft
demands unquestioned loyalty while giving the national press the shaft
a George Washington-like reputation is imagined fantasy only
in a crowded room with suits and ties he's standing fat and lonely
he won't read a written report
threatens to sue and take everyone else to court
he's so deranged
he's so deranged
how much has been changed?
the flowers in the park
are now dying in the dark;
the birds who once would sing
have now lost everything.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself