Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, March 4, 2018


i went once at sundown
when there was nobody else around
and on the forty fifth floor,
i looked for less but found even more:
piles of mighty volume and possibly dead weight;
crooked lines almost impossible to set straight;
young students not afraid to resist ;
a ship of state shuddering before it begins to list.
it need not even look like the real thing,
but it's all branded as fake news.
come along and all too soon lose
and try and fail to escape the joint.
i used binoculars for another viewpoint
establishing distance
and in a trance
i went once at sundown
when there was nobody else around
and on the forty fifth floor,
i looked for less but found even more:
piles of mighty volume and possibly dead weight;
crooked lines almost impossible to set straight.

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