Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, February 22, 2018

but joey, i gave it my best

i don't want to scream
but joey
you're a nightmare instead of a dream
sticking fish hooks into my chest
too bad i gave it my best
so, walk a mile in my shoes!
do you know anything about the English poet Ted Hughes?
he's not some mild hoax
not a cheap target for your lame jokes
not a London tart without a heart!
could you guess
he's a genius?
no, but too bad
am i starting to sound rather sad?
a puff of frigid air up your ass
might fill you further with gas
and see the white rabbit stand fully alert
no, i wouldn't want you to get hurt
but joey
seriously dude
why so rude?
since you can't see infinity at least comb your tangled hair
remove the diapers for a pair of clean underwear!
but joey
i'm not undressed;
nor am i impressed
with your version of a cooked goose or seductive eyes
it's not me standing in central Paris wearing a cheap disguise.
it's you
i want to review.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself