Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

into the night sky

with lobster eyes,
i see that you exist
as no other.
but i am not your brother,
nor a lover forever.
on the ensuing weekend
when i was in London,
i had you by and by;
as far as i'm concerned
i should not lie
on a Saturday.
Sunday might be different,
passing by,
but i should not lie.
i split myself
between two women or more,
and at my most essential,
at my core,
i feel you stir
like a cat might purr
for food on a hungry night.
i spent many hours
picking flowers
especially for you.
there came a soft knock on my door
which i needed to ignore
because it was a ghost
with a voice i knew;
but unlike
a curious bird,
it flew
into the night sky,
beyond the night sky
where i
could no longer reach it
when i tried to reach it,
and there was no cage.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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