Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, October 8, 2017


with the flag unfurled
The Man Who Sold The World,
lungs full
of Major Tom and stardust,
a busted Angie bust,
and a nose for changing money,
the only artist capable of
dressing like an androgynous honey
while acting like Cocaine Man,
played the pipes like mythological Pan
and did things differently each day
singing cabaret
100,000 miles
of strawberry blond smiles
far away
getting his rocks off
rocking with his socks off
at a crossroad with a Spiders From Mars book
he signed a contract for a closer look
stayed in tune and natural fact
without a straight and narrow track
he'd dance with his Brixton pants
pulled high over his head
like guitar Heroes
he meant exactly what he said
lighting a spark in the dark dark
jumping over the marriage bed
wham bam
thank you ma'am
Fame wasn't the only game
he went on to claim
in Black Tie White Noise
and all the famous Rebel Rebel boys
with children baskets filled with favorite toys
they did things differently each day
singing cabaret
100,000 miles
of strawberry blond smiles
far away
getting his rocks off
rocking with his socks off
at a crossroads he took a Spiders From Mars book
he signed a contract for a closer look
stayed in tune and natural fact
without a straight and narrow track
he'd dance with his Brixton pants
pulled high over his head
like guitar Heroes
he meant exactly what he said
lighting a spark in the dark dark
jumping over the marriage bed
wham bam
thank you ma'am

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself