Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

i mounted it and signed my name

and in a haze
i caught her gaze
and she called to me
and there we were
in our uniform of fur
marching in a corner of the kitchen floor
cooking up some hard noodles and something more
was boiling in the rising steam
like an ironical dream
and all i had to hang onto was a single nail
piercing the roof in a vertical space.
she leaned in and took a taste;
i happened to notice when she smiled,
her face became jungle wild
and i wanted a spoon and a tall glass of whisky.
the shadow was hers but the hunger was inside of me;
we tried to remember all that was known
as she tossed her stick and i threw my stone
but like a sorcerer's apprentice it touched nothing but air!
she set her mind to eating lunch
i needed to frame a painting but had a hunch
there might be something for me to eat as well
but i still needed to gather things to sell
to help defray the costs of the drinks and dinner
i grabbed a picture of myself as a past sinner
and in a rich-looking frame
i mounted it and signed my name.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself