Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

hey pop; really, i wouldn't want to swap

hey pop;
really, i wouldn't want to swap
you had a hard time on the far side of the tracks
when the coal was black you piled it on your back
and when the ice was cold you went door to door and sold
and saw the good boys who had the better toys
and all those young girls with their fancy blond curls
telling stories from the river that always made you shiver
and there seemed no way out
no one would ever hear your shout
but in time there opened a dangerous door
everyone called it the Second World War
and you took it
and took the hit
with brass knuckles in your hand, a handsome face
drinking on a ladder to reach the old rat race
Naval pants and combat with a gun
not much you ever left undone
you carried the ball but finally let it drop
ran full speed and couldn't quite make it to the top
hey pop;
you took a good run and made one hell of a charge
ran a long way past that small town river barge
best-looking man (you said!) with an Earl Flynn grin
cutting the cards four ways to win
buying a new car to show everyone who you are
as you drove down every fast lane
turning from a side street onto Main
you never looked back at the coal and ice
felt the wind in your hair and thought it damn nice
hey pop;
where are you now and whatever else comes can anybody say?
i saw you disappearing softly but i can't go that way:
so toss me another pitch and make it straight
i'm heading for home and don't want to be late.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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