Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

it won't fit me

get me
try chasing a disappearing shadow
swim in the sea
cut someone off at the knee
take a flying holiday
visit Florida, say
fish in a back bay
stay longer than a day
wear a sock hat
grow happy, lazy and fat
it seems everyone is into doing that
write a blog in a mental fog
walk the local park in the dark
hold your own hand
snap an old rubber band
watch it break
a head and shoulder fake
but what is the most
buttered toast
is yesterday when you went away
from the west to the east coast
try telling me life is grand
but withstand
the cartoons coming on at noon
and the weather balloon
like a man and woman together on the moon
hear them swoon
get down
accept being a proper clown
but don't be telling me what to do
go wear your blue suede shoe:
it won't fit me
i'm barefoot in a solitary tree
entertaining company.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself