Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, August 24, 2015

sometimes everything makes sense

sometimes everything makes sense
looking over a backyard fence
a music jam is not for toast
Hunter is renting a house on the coast
Katie was married yesterday
her phone has more to say
Jon is her drummer
he'll be faster all summer
Dylan is now yesterday's news
Led Zeppelin is more than one man if you choose
the man in his blue dress is a cop
the Donald had a boardwalk casino flop
Peter kept growing ever sweeter
with Sally in her parents' alley
but nobody should be surprised by this:
Miss Piggy grabbing Kermit for a kiss...
in church the organ music played a lively tune
Neil took a mind-blowing trip to the moon
Timothy ingested LSD
they both ended up on lowered knee
somewhere in upper Manhattan
wondering what the hell is a board and batten?
my kayak and canoe in the river
in the winter they both shiver
because sometimes it's just too cold
if you're skinny and old
or fat
and not wearing a hat
a friendly gent said he was from Naples
his war wound was stitched together with metal staples
and he said he loved GIs
both gals and guys
all those who liberated Rome in June
singing a Yankee Doodle Dandy tune
the world was indeed saved countless times
counting pennies and Roosevelt dimes
sometimes everything makes sense
looking over my backyard fence
the yellow cab at the corner
driven by little Jack Horner
who sat eating his curds and whey
throughout the wedding day
on the phone he had so much to say
talking to Katie
who was waiting for Jon.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself