Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, June 8, 2015

How did i get here?

once a boy
in a far away land
traveled across a lonesome ocean
which he never did understand
and at age sixteen
he lit out for the territory ahead
no thoughts of mortality stirring his head
he looked instead for a perfect love
in the distant sky,
wanted a safe place to rest
where he might never die;
and he toiled and then he bled.
he went looking for a cure but it was all inside his head.
he found one answer that he hoped to trust:
why turn to stone before returning to dust?
and he found a long lost memory;
he hoped it would give him some security.
a woman alone on her trail also on the run
and they drank to health and loved
wrapped together as if they were only one.
but then aging is perplexing;
it infects our very air
it puzzles every one of us
who are lucky enough to get there
and so the kissing mouth went brittle dry.
the man, like the boy, never did understand why
and suddenly the sun forgot to rise
Pascal's Wager proved to be another surprise
as well as those Dear Uncle Sam's and all the applause
written in small print at the bottom of each clause:
love goes where it wants and carries us along,
even the adventuresome boy and his song.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself