Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

a game of Jacks

No one talked on the sidewalk
And the bedroom seemed as quiet as a church mouse
I went outside at noon to water some plants
It looked just like a normal house
From my perspective
holding my rubber hose
I saw a frightened man speaking in foreign tongues
He was rubbing his powdered nose
Running down the center of the street
I heard him say he was in a hurry
I aimed my water at his face and hit him dead center
I told him not to worry
For a limited time only it was sacred stuff
It would heal the pain he felt in his heart
Without missing a beat and spitting wet he said
It might be a good place to start
I noticed weeds growing in the road
And at the intersection a young woman held her rake
She asked me if I wanted anything
And I carried away everything I could take
There was a picture window taking pictures
Of everyone who ever claimed to know
Without a treasure chest and without a car
Without a map they still knew the way to go
And a little boy tugged my sleeve
Asked me if I wanted to play a game of Jacks
I handed him my rubber hose
And told him water was the only thing it lacks.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself