Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dinard (1928)

in 1928, the beach at Dinard
seemed less sinister when the bright blue penis
was inside the rented house north of town
and a tempting back door was sealed shut.
but when that door was opened,
his secret shadow crept outside looking for
an eighteen-year-old blonde who would have
been an easy target for predators.
his Queen of Hearts, after convalescing,
came ashore with her single bloody playing card,
protecting their son in his costume
as they walked together to the annual beauty pageant
held for young girls in bathing suits.
a few hours later, Miss France didn't see them enter the Hotel des Terrasses
even though they made no attempt to hide from the life of the party.
the secret shadow came along, overplaying his hand with ironical
amusement and a rather long-nailed little finger.
after all, his son was in a costume not of his choosing.
in the crowd Charlie Chaplin made a face and everyone laughed.
the blue penis liked him well enough, but thought he talked
too much in a language requiring translation, which soon
became boring, even when all dressed up in furs.
a girl caught the blue penis stiffening and he handed her his key.
inside their private room, her golden pubic hair sparkled visible to his naked eye
both when he entered and when he withdrew.
inside the deadly decorum of the hotel
the judging continued for the contest
while the Queen of Hearts played with her bloody card.
in town the blue penis throbbed with life!
his secret shadow saw the bathing suits flap on clotheslines
and heard the wind around the middle of August
pick its way through the branches of a tree.
a little blonde bird was hiding in the tree.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself