Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tinsel Town

We're going down to Tinsel Town
'cause seriously we're sucking blue
but I've got the fix
standing right in front of you
a brown coat with shoulders slumped
young ass happily humped and humped
over the park bench at two am
asking you repeatedly to get it up again
but your appetite was getting old
what once was hot now turning cold
bottled booze still much too weak
we haven't been this fucked up
for nearly half a week
and man, the railroad stars coming out tonight
each one of them looking to get a bite
with you sitting on a cushioned chair
feeling cool, almost debonair
a silent rider with tickets to the show
you wanted to attend,
but couldn't go
i found the carpet stained with cigarette butts
and little drops of sweet honey
i tried to laugh but it wasn't funny
we're going down to Tinsel Town
and man, we'll be spending all our money
'cause seriously we're sucking blue
but I've got the fix
standing right in front of you

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself