Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, May 6, 2013

unicorn blood and magic

We stood in the middle of the dirt road
radiating hostility,
trying to make sense of the latest threat
flying from the white saloon in downtown Tehran.
a tyrannical and mean-spirited religious
man had been making wild charges and
it was our intent to call him out.
but he didn't show at high noon, as we had been led to
believe: one old man looking like Gary Cooper passed by, but
he was wearing a black cowboy hat.
the Iranian's main advantage over us was the fact that
millions of the faithful believed him when he
said that watching Harry Potter movies would
create an urge to drink unicorn blood.
we love unicorns and never want to see them harmed!
the Potter movies were entertaining, too.
horses and movies are fun, so we needed to give this
stone-thrower a great big bitch slap.
we're willing to wager he's never seen a live unicorn or
spent a single day in intellectual surroundings;
it's magic that he even has a voice.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself