Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

cooking class

when it rains it pours
she said
as though it were easy for Lance
to win multiple Tours
but she meant men
wanting affairs of the heart
or the breast and implore
i listened just to be sure
while she spoke of loneliness
all day throughout the night
then eventually stopped actively
looking for Mister Right
when surprisingly all Hell broke loose
because she grew a certain vibe
which felt attractive to male
members of our older tribe
and they swooped in
grinning a grin
she said you find true love
when you're no longer looking
so recently it appeared
in her kitchen cooking
with a widower and his spoon
coated with a rich pasta sauce
adjacent to the Pinot Grigio
and the hand rolled noodles tossed
carefully with mozzarella cheese
he spoke so convincingly, please
pass the olives
no he didn't snore
and what is more
he proved genuinely pleasant
their next meal will include
wine, of course, with greens, and pheasant.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself