Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You are the bright spot

The world is crazier than I thought
But you’re the bright spot
Not all random and blown apart
Much more true at heart
Not Bloomingdales
Or cat-o-nine tails

You’re not the orange with twenty seeds
Not a bag of beads
You’re not the house without a roof
Not a doorknob, not a goof
You’re much narrower, not so wide
Much more open with less to hide

The world is crazier than I thought
But you’re the bright spot
Not all plural without a sign
I think of you as a friend of mine
When things get various and I lose control
You always play the calming role

You’re not the wall without a floor
Not a guided tour
You’re not the car without a horn
Not a spare tire feeling worn
You’re much more focused, more at ease
Much more certain who to please

The world is crazier than I thought
But you’re the bright spot
Not all random and blown apart
Much more true at heart
Not Bloomingdales
Or cat-o-nine tails

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself