Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, August 26, 2023

the bones of dead animals

the hyenas

with a swift run, yelping,

and a blazing red skull illuminated

on my waiting room wall,

both broke my concentration

and coughing,  i fled,

into an dreamworld

as majestic as the distant Mountain of God

and as cold as the snows of Kilimanjaro:

my left lung was filled with glass shards

as a Maasai warrior watched me from a high rock,

standing on one leg, impassive,

and i could see the sun dancing on his spear point.

i was being sedated in a hospital operating room,

watching the wild dogs chase a young zebra foal.

a heavy dark cloud enveloped me, and sheets of rain

nearly drowned me, but i awoke, foggy-brained,

covered with a buffalo skin shield for safety.

my right lung was  protected by my emperor's guard

dog and seemed healthy;

my left lung was not doing so well, but might be saved,

as a local witch doctor explained.

the bones of dead animals covered the floor.

i went home to sleep some more,

high in the safe branches of a Baobob tree.

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself