Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

the Shuffle in C

they called him the King

but he didn't know what he wanted to B

looking around for a place to sing

he did the Shuffle in C

driving thru town in his red pickup truck

feeling damn good but down on his luck

no holds barred riding out on the range

heading late at night into tiny La Grange

finding country ladies with bright high beams

fingering their fancy Hollywood dreams

feeling damn good but down on their luck

looking for adventure in a red pickup truck

heading to California or by damn bust

leaving behind the dry Texas dust

for, well, just about anything

they called him the King

but he didn't know what he wanted to B

looking around for a place to sing

he did the Shuffle in C.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

reading banned books

i can be a contrarian

smoking cigarettes in fresh air

near a city of the north

which is above water with a shoreline

like the door of a house

swinging questions into my mouth.

oh, yes, here i am

answering nothing of importance

with a sparkle in my eye

seemingly open to the sky

but inside a tent at night reading banned books.

i took the wheel to Baltimore

with Bette by my side

looking to shop for boots like hands

which would caress their tiny fingers around her toes,

weaving like soft waves over warm white sand.

at the store, drunken birds ran across the parking lot

without wearing masks below their fire red eyes

while Bette sat on a curb eating grapes,

spiting seeds with a huge blast of air

all the way to Paris,

where it was already evening.

she had a strong urge to fly

because she was beautiful 

and in need of a new pair of boots and socks

which were more than white or black

like the keys of her piano.

we both went inside and drank our fill

before the wolf moon rose and the night

became barely visible.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

you'll always be missed

so silently you were gone

all shadow and mist

but i'll remember the smile

and you'll always be missed

with an embrace and lingering kiss

the city lights turned down low

where everyone finds a certain place they go

but i just don't know

now that you're gone

will i see another lovely dawn?

and where is the shine

that once was yours and mine?

the overhead star sparkles like a jewel

but without you i'm just an old fool

looking for his morning shoes

with nothing left to lose

tripping over my heartbroken blues

so silently you were gone

all shadow and mist

but i'll remember the smile

and you'll always be missed

with an embrace and lingering kiss

the city lights turned down low

where everyone finds a certain place they go

but i just don't know

now that you're gone

will i see another lovely dawn?

and where is the shine

that once was yours and mine?

Thursday, January 21, 2021

nothing is lost

nothing is lost if it can be found

buried on the mall 

under hundreds of swarming bodies,

where mystery can spotlight angry cats 

frozen in the national headlights

with their fallen flags,

somber slogans,

and conspiracy creations

like hissing jacks in the box. 

the feral mob surged in a ritual dance

of unpatriotic assembly,

waving wondrous amounts of misguided prayers

like guided missiles,

and with battering rams and broken glass,

the rotunda of the home of the brave,

was under siege,

with loud exhortations for combat in the streets!

our America's mayor, speaking with a crooked tongue,

revisited Lexington and Concord and met a lying


oh, the land of the free!

oh, hallowed halls!

Whigs and the bald men 

comb over memories of

echoes and violent snorts,

finding strange bedfellows in blind alleys.

a single pistol shot 

struck a fatal blow,

and the woman 

who crawled thru a cracked window,

looking for beauty or the beast,


onto the stone cold floor 

of the Capitol.

her blood etched a last message of disunity

and out of many, one,

with still-warm lips exhaling themes

of manifest destiny.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

above us only sky

above us only sky

no need to sit and wonder why

sipping milk eating warm apple pie

looking for myself

on a back room kitchen shelf

imagining what to say

getting out of bed one day

and leaving the house to play,

polishing my mind 

not to be so unkind:

in a certain kind of trance,

i was watching myself learn to dance

arm and arm with the war.

nothing insignificant to ignore,

the bombs fell

and everybody could smell

the burning of human flesh.

Monday, January 18, 2021

reading nature's signs

I held my arm of flame

and made a tight fist 

punched high in the air

pointing out some special blame

to those who dance on fire,

tangling themselves in the shrill barbed wire

near where I reside.

and on the eve of battle,

the wandering people cried

without a shadow of doubt;

they had nothing new to write home about.

their flags and proud banners flew

and love is confused and the color blue

under the shadow of Lincoln and his famous speech:

something to remember but it seems so out of reach.

for right now a sudden knocking on the door

and my hearts skips a beat down on the lower-class floor

and the air seems pure

which might be a possible cure:

at random the tavern poets sing from the front of the stage

while the singers speak their lines

with eyes like giant stars filled with soprano rage,

waiting for a round of applause reading nature's signs;

cracking jokes with God 

which could be one of His clever designs.

Friday, January 15, 2021

dreaming of caterpillars

my back door opens like a playground swing,

and the cold sunlight momentarily blinds my tearless eyes.

there are starving birds outside in the crisp air

walking up and down a barren slope,

eyeing me.

slowly, i find a bag of sunflower seeds and scatter the ashes of my past.

the birds mourn this early hour,

weeping that we will all be gone too soon;

their hunger is a torment.

they pull their swords and battle to the end.

bright spring is hiding behind a nearby tree,

nude with promise.

my smile remains frozen.

my teeth are all unsheathed.

the birds count how many steps i take,

measuring me.

a dog barks, announcing the arrival of a stalking cat.

the birds take quick communion and make their confessions,

flying after the slightest sound of the approaching menace.

a thrown newspaper hits the nearby street,

and the news is spread out across the known universe,

each word becoming a planet and each planet spinning a story,

defying gravity.

i sit to read, stirring memories like sugar in my warm tea.

there is charm in the act of reading the news,

listening to the passing silence as workers head off to work,

slipping down into their rabbit holes,

their brains full of detective stories,

dreaming of caterpillars.

along the eastern horizon, a great cry arises

and i turn on a dime.

my slippers are untied but my wrists are free of scars.

a soft wind blows and my imagination tumbles like a dry leaf;

i become a dreamer,

noble and tragic.

a young child tries to awaken me,

but i'm walking on the greenest grass,

eating the juiciest peach in the world,

sipping wine alongside my lover

with a thirst impossible to quench.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

to burn the soul

the sea is red.

the edges of the oceans bled

as all the babies cried overnight 

in their lonely bed.

their cries were not heard,

and mystery is the final word,


the saints and sinners and their prayers,

opening closed windows,

tossing away their cares

drinking deeply in the view

from the center aisle of the final pew,

watching cities and shooting stars sing,

down on their knees worshiping

for a fire to burn the soul,

before an expansive blackhole

swallows the last passion in a single bite

and devours the heart of purest moonlight.

Friday, January 8, 2021

carrying everything I ever had

all rise

see the lying eyes

singing hail to the chief

the devil is descending the stairs

sneaking like a ghostly thief

going down to the crossroads

each passing hour

watching from the top of the tower

each passing hour

hearing the shouting of a boss

under the heavy weight of a hanging cross

out there in the field

under the shadow of a circling crow

the preacher always telling which way to go

"be afraid of the Mississippi air!"

no!  please, don't send me there

I won't have a nickel to spare

down on my knees

feeling the hot powder breeze

and the barking of the dogs

I'm hiding underneath the fallen logs

it ain't so bad

carrying everything I ever had

under the shadow of a circling crow

the preacher always telling which way to go

"be afraid of the Mississippi air!"

no! please, don't send me there

I won't have a nickel to spare

down on my knees

feeling the hot powder breeze

and the barking of the dogs

I'm hiding underneath the fallen logs

it ain't so bad

carrying everything I ever had.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

but you're so far away

leaning up against the old oak tree

singing a simple love song

with my guitar resting on my knee

looking at the horizon

while I'm looking for you

seeing the frost in the air

feeling the chill of the morning dew

so close

but you're so far away

and I can remember the last words I heard you say

come away

come outside and let's play

you know we have the entire day

so give me one last kiss

something special to reminisce

settle down beside my side

there is nothing we have to hide

along the free-flowing river and along the shore

one little kiss and then another one more

it's you that I adore

leaning up against the old oak tree

singing a simple love song

with my guitar resting on my knee

looking at the horizon

while I'm looking for you

seeing the frost in the air

feeling the chill of the morning dew

so close

but you're so far away

and I can remember the last words I heard you say

come away

come outside and let's play.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

the morning sky turned blue

when she dressed in her Cinderella white

she asked me to dance with her into the night

and when the music began to play

she wondered if I would stay?

and I heard the angels sing

as the morning sky turned blue

she whispered that she hoped

we'd be among the chosen few

and her words rang true

it was me she was talking to

when she dressed in her Cinderella white

I wouldn't let her escape my sight

and when the music began to play

she wondered if I would stay?

and I heard the angels sing

as the morning sky turned blue

she whispered that she hoped 

we'd be among the chosen few

and her words rang true

it was me she was talking to

when she dressed in her Cinderella white

I wouldn't let her escape my sight

and her words rang true

it was me she was talking to

as the morning sky turned blue.

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself