Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, March 31, 2019

just a regular guy

i'm wandering the fertile garden path,
fleeing from the big city block,
having spied Christians passing out holy literature:
shepherds for their flock.
my heavenly doorbell rings;
a nervous bird of paradise sings.
such a wonderful surprise
i'm watching with wide open eyes:
shopping feet scurrying into the crowded street,
going from commercial door to party door,
seeming to be satisfied
but always wanting more:
so, had i passed this way before?
i'm just a regular guy
trying to stay relaxed,
trying to stay high.
my pockets are empty;
there's an arctic chill in the air;
the flowers could be blooming,
but i haven't got a prayer.
several days before me,
with eternity far behind;
a joker shines his name in light;
i've almost lost my mind.
i see a banquet on the table!
there's a starving baby without food!
hooded solders in marching order:
everyone in a good mood.
well, i'm just a regular guy
trying to stay relaxed,
trying to stay high.
my pockets are empty;
there's an arctic chill in the air;
the flowers could be blooming,
but i haven't got a prayer.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

suburban life

nowhere are there Main Battle Tanks
tearing up manicured yards in my middle-class neighborhood,
shooting fat cats
chasing pedigree dogs
netting Monarch butterflies
while plowing thru walls
and nearby strip malls
spraying toxic fumes into chlorinated backyard
swimming pools
scattering landscaping tools
running over leaves of grass
busting fancy windows
kicking ass
smashing Cadillacs
while shifting into low gear
snaking in reverse
smoking children holding simple tinker toys
little girls and boys
fearing a menacing diesel motor noise
lugging heavily armored steel
and a damn big long-barreled cannon
proving that
suburban life must still be pretty sweet.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

tapping time with both my knees

i'm the man in a winter coat
reading 'Dear Johnnie's'
on all the returned love letters i ever wrote
sitting in my frozen chair
satisfied without a care
breathing on my own for free,
tapping time with both my knees;
stripping off my clothes,
picking my teeth, picking my running nose
but remembering how my momma said
that's sometimes just how it goes.
i've got to walk the narrow beach
to figure out what i can reach.
so i'll spend my time to read a book;
first chapter needs a second look,
it's running hot,
taking everything i've got.
picking my teeth, picking my running nose
stripping off my clothes,
i'll visit eternity
for a better view of the open sea,
tapping time with both my knees.

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself