Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, July 31, 2009

On The Waterfront

come with me kid & give it to me straight 
Karl Malden said from his dinner plate 
his priest grew angry at the crowd  
stevedores loading down in the pit manly loud 
where Irish whisky killed an honest man 
& Johnny Friendly cried from his witness stand 
"i could have had class!" but, alas. 
Buddy Brando said to brother Steiner in their cab
"i could've been a contender!"
spoke tender Terry Malloy who wouldn't have to surrender 
his conscience for success 
they laid odds he wouldn't get up but he passed that crucial test.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

a broken heart

the shortest sound is too long
no voice can help me sing this song
the blackest night i can not bear
i'm looking for you everywhere

my eyes hang heavy i can not sleep
i didn't want to be in this deep
no one near can feel my ache
it's almost more than i can take

i died a thousand times today
yet still my lover shied away
i'm lonely when i'm left alone
not knowing, but i should have known

how can i cure a broken heart
how to rewind it from the start
how can i prove that i love you
if you're not willing to be true?
i'm just another i o u
set drifting dear without a clue.

Monday, July 27, 2009

whiskey bride

She grabbed the whiskey bottle by the neck
With a red-nailed fist
& poured herself a stiff one
While the piano player kissed
The beer she set aside
He took it all in stride
Had played this scene before
as she strummed her plaintive voice
above the bar room floor
her breath like soft Jack Daniels
with sunshine in her eyes
she sang such lusty stories
& swore they were not lies
She left a hungry trail around his neck
with a red-tipped tongue
& whispered into his ear
for the song he hadn't sung
a simple prelude to another piece
the quick embrace that wouldn't cease
His fingers on the ivory keys
his focal point surrendering
her fingers on his mouth & face
both lips just now remembering

come & be my whiskey bride
forever time we'll set aside

come & tell me what to be
for you and then for me

Sunday, July 26, 2009

without a full moon

take this sword in your gut
dog man
i fire you to hell
with the Hades group
of idiots ringing my bell
it's 8:20 on a Sunday late
with rain like a torrent
overwhelming my front yard grate
and you won't care
as long as the cable TV
is working and the air
is suffused with scents of eclair
why have my bracelets gone to rust
and bones to ashes
my heart a victim of your wars
and scarred with gashes
all the while you busy yourself
with makeup off the shelf
and on your face
i yearn to know the watchman's name
and guess the nature of his game
know intent
and kiss true love with true devotion
stop the tide & pause the motion
of the spinning stone
still left unturned
great forests burned
great oceans warmed
beyond their natural call
and so you fall
& i, dog man, bark
without my lover
or a full moon, in the dark

Thursday, July 23, 2009

a busy intersection

i don't want to love you
more than you love me
but rather keep it balanced
centered, evenly
between two strands of interest
human or divine
dressed like nun or harlot
regardless, call it mine

i don't want to leave you
cold & flat & sore
but rather make it handsome,
always wanting more
in spite of time demanding
new movement at a pace
that blurs the definition
& the lines upon my face

i don't want to lose you
more than you lose me
on the shoulder of a highway
near the sounding of a sea
past a busy intersection
by the bus stop, carelessly

i don't want to lose you
more than you lose me

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

field of flowers

i smell you in this field of flowers
as our moment passed which seemed like hours
when I took you tight to make you mine
skin on skin in, out of time
behind the door which had no key
best left unlocked for you & me
beneath the sun beyond the wall
with fingertips i took my fall
i called your name you knew me well
left me dreaming cast a spell
i couldn't run, or get away
tried to talk, no words to say
that childhood crush is coming down
i just can't use it on this ground
i just can't notice how i feel
i can't be honest, can't reveal

i smell you in this field of flowers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Edwardine, forgive me:)

She dressed like a Vassar student
from 1932 with formal tucks, a pearl necklace, and silver hair
held high like her esteem.
She would not play the fool,
nor did she like to be entertained with anything
less than the most erudite spoken language
of Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.
She force fed as though we were fledgling baby birds
and she the raptor with wild owl beak and a penetrating
gaze into your forming character.
She would ply that mold by God because
that is what an English teacher did, so suffer little children
and welcome high school Class of 1966, into her domain.
You will never remain the same!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

long last night

i stayed up long last night
thinking of how you make me feel
and there's more to what fuels my interest
than your obvious sex appeal

it's your eyes, mouth, your auburn hair
& how you listen to the words we share
your mind, smile, and creativity
combined with your touch enrapture me

i wish i could encapsulate
that one single exciting trait
so i stayed up long last night
thinking of why it feels so right

and then i remembered beneath the tree
i was struck by your sincerity
as you spoke about your life and more
& trusted me unlike anyone before

with an easy voice and a gentle strength
i could measure you but whatever length
if my nights are short or the days are long
i'll always have you in this song

Sunday, July 5, 2009

crazy girl

she had her own mind
but was never unkind
rolled herself in a bed of newly cut clover
close to the edge but never went over

she was a crazy girl
with a smile like a bumblebee
her stinger dug deep into me
i wanted her most intense pain
and she gave it over and over again
told me it was genuine love
& that's what i was thinking of

she had her own voice
but gave me a choice
tied me up in a bed of freshly laundered clothes
somewhere in space where no one goes

she had her own dress
but showed me much less
wrapped herself in the style of perfect hollywood
under the stars whenever she could

she was a crazy girl
with a smile like a bumblebee
her stinger dug deep into me
i wanted her most intense pain
and she gave it over and over again
told me it was genuine love
& that's what i was thinking of

Thursday, July 2, 2009

TS, phone home

i slept in the Victoria Hotel
down in old Mexico
and walked on handmade tiles
colored in deep indigo.

Eliot wasn't on my floor
nor was he in the bar
listening to the young gringo
strumming on an old guitar.

i heard he was still swimming
in a pool without a sound
with a handful of wasteland dust
i remember he had found.

he was wearing a huge sombrero
pulled tightly against his cheek
with a slip knot fully made
still showing the receipt.

my margarita had no salt
but i drank it all the same
to not offend the bartender
who called me by my name.

a Spanish lady with the melons
she was proposing to sell
approached the nervous tourist
ringing the front desk bell.

i came to walk the canyon
so deep it smelled of death
where spirits wear an empty mask
and take away your breath.

a train would leave the station
soon maybe the next day
and though tempted by those melons
i knew i shouldn't stay.

my coach was full of writers
down on their luck & drunk
on mescal which they all consumed
until their voices shrunk.

we stopped above the canyon walls
& began the long decent
into darkness at highest noon
i wondered what it meant

i heard the hidden waterfall
down in these depths of doom
and supped on poetry endless
beneath a Copper moon.

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself